Butterflies and Memories

butterfly release

We are so excited to be holding our Butterfly Release once again this year! The Butterfly Release will be hosted by Berwick Qualicum Beach on Thursday, July 11th at 10am. Purchase a butterfly for $25 and honour the memory of a loved one by releasing a butterfly. The butterfly is utilized as a symbol by hospice organizations around the world, representing transition and transformation.

Tickets include complimentary coffee, tea and cookies.
Registration: 10am
Release: 10:30am
Refreshments to follow.

Butterflies can only be released if the weather is suitable! Please be advised that should it be a rainy day, we will give participants their butterflies to take home to release when the rain stops!

For more information or to purchase a ticket, please contact Shianne at 250-752-6227 or email shianne@oceansidehospice.com.