Our Services

The following services listed below are provided free-of-charge and available to oceanside residents who are living with a life-threatening illness, or those who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information at 250-752-6227

Grief Support for Individuals & Families

Professional, confidential, and supportive services are available for those who are grieving the loss of someone, those who have a life limiting illness, and for those who are supporting someone with a life limiting illness. Acute grief support is available to individuals, families and youth. We offer short-term, one-on-one sessions, and facilitate anticipatory and general grief groups throughout the year. Videoconference or telephone support is also available.

New Beginnings Support Group

An on-going weekly group for people who have lost a spouse. This group allows participants to share their experiences, feelings, and challenges around the loss and what they now face. It is facilitated by a trained volunteer and guided by the group’s needs.

Weekly walking group

The weekly walking group is open to anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. It is a time to walk and talk at a relaxed pace with others who are grieving, and share ideas and support while benefiting from some fresh air and exercise. Joining in on the walk are trained caring volunteers who provide a listening ear. Each walk ends with tea and treats. Once registered, clients can attend on a drop-in basis.

Volunteer Visiting

Volunteers can offer companionship to palliative clients and the bereaved, and offer respite for family caregivers, Visits can be arranged to your home, long-term facility, or Oceanside Hospice at Trillium.

Comfort Kits

Comfort kits are provided to registered clients that have recently suffered a loss. Our grief packages contain comfort items to help support the grief journey and will be delivered directly to your home.

Hospice Lending Library

An extensive and up-to-date selection of books and DVDs dealing with end-of-life issues, caregiving, grief, and loss are available on loan from the Resource Centre.

Restorative Care

Trained Reiki and Healing Touch practitioners provide a safe and peaceful place for people who are living with a life-threatening illness or who are dying, caregiving or grieving, to be cared for and nurtured.

Palliative Vigils

Volunteers are available to sit at the bedside of individuals in long-term care facilities during their last days/hours, as requested by the family.

Equipment Loan Program

We offer a variety of medical equipment to allow palliative clients to remain comfortably in their own homes:

  • Hospital Bed
  • Walkers
  • Commodes
  • Raised toilet seats
  • Overbed tables
  • Wheelchairs
  • Bath chairs
  • Comfort cushions/mattress

Other Community Resources

The Society of Organized Services also offers many services in our community such as:

  • Meals on Wheels
  • Seniors Advocacy Services
  • Oceanside Better at Home (grocery shopping, light housekeeping, yard maintenance, transportation to non-medical appointments)
  • Income tax returns

Please click on the following button for the SOS Program Guide for further information about these and other community programs.

Advance Care Planning: What You Need To Know

The Ministry of Health encourages all capable adults in BC to do advance care planning and take the further step of documenting their wishes and instructions. A guide, “My Voice: Expressing My Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment,” is available to assist in this planning.

Join Us

Join Oceanside Hospice Society in making a difference. Become a member, donate, or volunteer to help provide free, compassionate care to individuals and families facing life-limiting illnesses. Together, we can ensure dignity and support when it’s needed most.